Chronological Bible Project

Previous Home Page of this Project 2014 to Septemeber 2021

Graphs showing order of Bible Books in Chronological Life Application Study Bible

Old Testament

New Testament
Red dashes pages where books of Bible are text. Green dates taken from timeline dates in margins.

Graphs may be clicked for larger View

  • At Gracepoint Wesleyan, the efforts of this project was the encourage attendance to the Read Through the Bible in a Year Class. (Summary of Project and Promotion Efforts ). To do that it required reading five pages a day. And Greg the teacher of the class seemed to spend 2/3 of the class on the first 1/3 of the reading. So the first 1/3 got nine times the commentary as the 2/3's did.
  • What the author of this page would like to see is doing short forays into this Bible where a span of the material is covered at about two pages a day and for a few months. Tables of the contents of this Chronological listing of the Bible are shown Below.
Chronological Life Application Study Bible
from Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 9781414339276
Tyndale House's Descriptiono of the Bible

Contents and Data for Chronological Life Application Study Bible

Section Introduction Bible Content
Beginnings pages 2 to 4 pages 6 to 25 LA_Part_1.htm
God's Chosen Family pages 26 to 29 pages 30 to 133 LA_Part_2.htm
Birth of Israel pages 134 to 139 pages 140 to 329 LA_Part_3.htm
Possessing the Land pages 330 to 335 pages 336 to 427 LA_Part_4.htm
United Monarchy pages 428 to 433 pages 434 to 683 LA_Part_5.htm
Splintered Nation pages 684 to 695 pages 696 to 1089 LA_Part_6.htm
Exile pages 1090 to 1093 pages 1094 to 1143 LA_Part_7.htm
Return & Diaspora pages 1144 to 1149 pages 1150 to 1249 LA_Part_8.htm
The Time Between the Old & New Testament pages 1250 to 1252
Jesus Christ page 1254 to 1269 pages 1270 to 1501 LA_Part_9.htm
The Church page 1502 to 1511 pages 1512 to 1833 LA_Part_10.htm
Data File and Data Description
  • LA_Data.txt tab seperated Data File -- can be opened with a web browser, but meant for a spreadsheet or database program
  • LA_D_Desc.htm description of LA_Data.txt tab seperated Data File
  • NOTE: about LA_LN described in LA_D_Desc.htm
         This data may have errors or be incomplete. Its was extracted from data comparing The One Year Chronological Bible to the Chronological Life Application Study Bible . The original file likely had some errors, and omissions and errors were likely introduced in the process.
         While not 100 percent accurate it is useful to develop reading plans.
Sample from LA_Part_6.htm
Topic Heading verse page LA LN
Assyria Invades Judah 2Ch 32:1 - 8 912 3903
2Ki 18:13 - 18 912 3906
Isa 36:1 - 3 913 3909
Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem 2Ki 18:19 - 37 913 3912
Isa 36:4 - 22 914 3915
Hezekiah Seeks the LORD's Help 2Ki 19:1 - 19 915 3918
Isa 37:1 - 20 916 3921
2Ch 32:9 - 19 916 3924
Isiah Predicts Judah's Deliverance 2Ki 19:20 - 37 917 3927
2Ch 32:20 - 23 918 3933
Isa 37:21 - 38 919 3930
Hezekiah's Sickness and Recovery 2Ki 20:1 - 11 919 3936
Isa 38:1 - 8 920 3939
2Ch 32:24 - 31 920 3942
Hezekiah's Poem of Praise Isa 38:9 - 22 921 3945
Envoys from Babylon 2Ki 20:12 - 19 922 3948
Isa 39:1 - 8 922 3951
Summary of Hezekiah's Reign 2Ki 20:20 - 21 923 3954
2Ch 32:32 - 33 923 3957
Comfort for God's People Isa 40:1 - 11 923 3963
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